Physical activity is a key part of managing symptoms

Managing your physical activity is a very important part of managing your MS symptoms. Unfortunately, messages about activity in MS can be confusing. 

For instance, being physically active and exercising are highly recommended for people with MS. Exercise is important for maintaining overall health and for limiting the intensity and impact of symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and depressed mood. Although people with MS are encouraged to exercise, they also get the message to not “overdo it”. They are told to pace themselves and conserve energy. The message seems to be that you should be active, but not “too active”.  It is no wonder that many people with MS have a hard time knowing how to manage their energy and activity!

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A note for family and friends

You can help the person you care for manage their energy

The person you care about may not be able to do as much as he or she used to do because of MS. That is why it is so important for him or her to break large tasks into small steps and rest in between steps. This may have an impact on you as well. It may mean that the things you do together may also take more time to do.

To help someone with MS get used to this new way of doing things:

  • Stay positive and encourage the person to follow his or her pacing plans
  • Try not to finish a task for him or her while he or she is resting, unless asked
  • Ask if he or she needs help figuring out pacing plans
  • Acknowledge what the person is able to do
  • Suggest that the person speak with a healthcare provider if the person has asked you a health question you cannot answer

It is also important that you allow and encourage the person you care about to continue to do the things that they are able to do.  Do not be too quick to step in and do things for them when they can take care of it themselves.  Completing certain tasks on their own may help boost self-esteem and improve mood. You may want to practice pacing and/or use the energy management tips yourself.


National MS Society – Resource Support